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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011



The code and examples listed here will only work using Internet Explorer 5 or higher.
They WILL NOT work with Netscape.Maybe someday Netscape will catch up with other more advanced browsers and implement the use of such coding.

Left One Way
<marquee align="middle" behavior="slide" direction="left" scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq

Right One Way
<marquee align="middle" behavior="slide" direction="right" scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
<marquee align="middle" direction="right"scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
<marquee align="middle" direction="left"scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
<marquee align="top" behavior="alternate" scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
Marquee's that scroll Up and Down
<marquee align="middle" scrollamount="1" height="30" width="20%" direction="up"scrolldelay="1">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
<marquee align="middle" scrollamount="1" height="30" width="20%" direction="down"scrolldelay="1">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
Change Font face,color,size
<font face="Lucida Handwriting" size="4" color="#000000"><marquee align="middle" direction="left" scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee></font>

welcom to ariewayq

Change Background Color
<marquee align="middle" bgcolor="#FFFF00" direction="left"scrolldelay="5">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
Add a Background Image
<marquee scrollamount="4" height="30" width="400" style="background-image : URL(your image here) ;
background-attachment : fixed ;color : #663333 ;padding-top :10"><B>welcom to ariewayq</B></marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
Background Image

<marquee scrollamount="5" height="30" width="400" style="background-image : URL(your image) ;
background-attachment : scroll ;color : #000000 ;padding-top :10"><B>welcom to ariewayq</B></marquee>

welcom to ariewayq
Using a Marquee as a Link
<font face="arial" size="4" color="#FFFFFF"><b><marquee bgcolor="#00ffff" height="30" scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="60" width="100%"><a target="top" http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/p/news-backlink.html">http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/p/news-backlink.html </marquee></b></font></a>


Marquee in a Table
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td align="center"><font color="#00FF00" size="5" face="arial"><marquee behavior="alternate" bgcolor="#00FFFF" height="30" scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="100" width="600">welcom to ariewayq</marquee></font></td></tr></table>
welcom to ariewayq

Images as a Marquee and also a hyperlink
<marquee scrollamount="2" behavior="scroll"direction="right"><a href="http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/p/news-backlink.html"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjVDnmfEctTwu2EfOgMw57mVhD58-HFhxIXnxr0gfUoeHYVJvIG1ZQbuhCkwwEXkGkpM21_WFvniiFXeys6ti1zy8Ot3MvisX6ra8VCk3Qdc6WzrHXBehGsPqF6f78q3_1Vh74hHKfon-I/s1600/80x31.gif" border="0" width="159" height="41"></font></a></marquee>

Changing Marquee Speed
The higher the scrollamount number the faster the scroll
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="1">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

welcom to ariewayq

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="4">welcom to ariewayq</marquee>

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Check your website and make sure you doing these few simple steps for best results

Check your website and make sure you doing these few simple steps for best results

within the serps click here.

1) Ensure your website page titles state what you do or what you provide, it should
contain the first few words a customer would type into a search engine (keywords)
when looking for your product or service. Create a unique title for every page in your

Good Page Title "Healthy Treats For Kids"
Bad Page Title "The Sweet Shop"

2) Your website pages meta description should be a short snippet of what your website
or page is about, it's best used as a call to action (encourage people to click your link)
combined with your relevant keywords, try to keep it no more than two lines long.

Good Description "Healthy Snacks and Treats. For Kids of All Ages. Try these ideas, or
use them as a starting point for your kids to invent their own healthy food..."

Bad Description "We wouldn't let our kids eat sugar straight from the sugar bowl. But
we tend not to think about the sugar ... Healthy snacks for kids - fact or fiction ..."

3) At the top most part of your websites body you should have a heading in most
cases it should be very similar to your page title. It's best formatted within the html using
the correct heading tag <H1>Heading Here</H1> , you can also you h2, h3, h4 and so
on to show sub headings on your page.

4) Often overlooked is the webpages filename, instead of saving your page a frontpage.html
or page.html try using a keyword phrase in the file name such as treats-for-kids.html seperate
each word with a hyphen - Note don't rename your index.html, index.htm , index.php or any
other file called index as a keyword.

5) Add an alt text description to each of your websites main images (not the formatting / nav images)
just a few words for each image helps the search engines understand what the image is,
you can also save these images using keywords in the same way as the page filename.
so instead of image1.gif you could have healthy-choco-treat.gif

Okay, that's me done for today. I know it's basic and you probably have most if not all these
items covered but I'm sure it will help some people.
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SEO- 9 Ridiculously Easy Steps to the Top 10

Search Engine Optimization companies are making a fortune by doing the menial work that is overlooked by many designers. It is ridiculously easy to do most of the work done by most SEO companies, all you have to do is create good habits.

There are 9 main points you should focus on:

• Keywords
• URL Text
• Description, Meta tags
• Title tags
• Image Names
• ALT tags
• Heading tags
• Content
• Hyperlinks

The focus of these 8 steps is to load your pages with as many "keywords" as possible.

Keywords are the most important aspect of good SEO, this is where you tell the Search Engines what your site is about. Search Engines use an algorithm to determine the "Keyword Density" of your site, this formula is:

Total Words ÷ Keywords= Keyword Density

Use this formula on your competitors web site and see how they score, then aim to beat that score.

Choose keywords that best relate to the information, products or services that you are offering. For instance, if I am designing a site about "Web Design", I want my site to include the words "Web Design" as many times as possible.

However, most people don't just search for just one word, they type phrases, so you should consider the phrases that best suit your sites target market. For example, if I am creating a site about "Web Design" in New Orleans, I would include "New Orleans web design" in my keywords. Another way around this is to not separate my keywords with commas, just use spaces, and the Search Engines will make the phrases for you. The most important thing to remember is that the content of each page is different, so only use keywords pertaining to that page.

URL Text

When you name a new page you have the option to call it anything you could possibly think of, why not se a keyword? After all, the URL address is the first things a search engine comes across when indexing your pages. You have to remember content doesn't come easy to everyone, so you gotta slip in your keywords when the process gives you an easy one.

Description Meta tags
These tags are dwindling in importance since Search Engines are now looking at content, but every little bit counts.

Optimize your meta tags to match your content, products, and services, and the Search Engines that still look at meta data will reward your efforts.

Title Tags
Title tags are the tags that tell the Search Engine the title, or formal description of the document or page. This is the word or phrase that is seen at the top of the browser window. The most important rule about title tags is, don't put anything in the title tags but keywords. Once again this is an easy time to slip in your keywords, so don't miss out.

Image Names
As I said before, content doesn't come easy to everyone, so slip in your keywords whenever possible, this applies to image names. If you are saving a picture of a guy working on a computer for your web design web site, don't call it "some_dude.jpg", call it "web_site_design.jpg". The Search engine will look at the code for the site and see the image pertains to the content of the site and this will be another relevant element on that particular page. You have to take the easy ones when you are given a chance.

ALT tags
Alt tags are keywords that you can attach to images, giving more weight to the image since Search Engines can't analyze the content of the image itself. Here is a chance to slip in more keywords without writing great content, use it.

Heading tags
Heading tags are associated with the bold font that leads into a section of text. Like this:

Web Design
Web Design Inc. offers custom web site designs...

Your heading tags should only be keywords, and should be presented in the order that your Meta tags follow.

H1= first meta tag, H2= second meta tag...

Try to utilize all 6 heading tags on each page to ensure maximum page optimization.

As every expert will tell you, "Content is King." Each web page should have at least 350 words on it, and the more the better, but keep in mind the formula for keyword density. You don't want to fill a page with 1500 words of jibba-jabba and only 5 keywords in it. Some people get hung-up on how browsers display text, and use images with text in them because they want a cool font, but browsers can't read the text embedded in images, so this content ads no weight to the page in a Search Engines eyes.

Linkbaiting is the new trend among high ranking sites. Linkbaiting means writing quality content, or articles that other web sites can display on their pages as long as they give credit, and a link to your site.

You don't have to be a vi or emac expert to write good web content, just be thoughtful of how you word things and incorporate your keywords.

Hyperlinks are text links to other pages on your site. The rules of SEO and hyperlinks are easy:

• Use hyperlinks so the Search Engine will have a text link to follow to the next page
• Don't use one word links, use long link phrases, preferably keyword phrases
• Use bullets, or some sort of small image that you can attach an ALT tag to, this will ad more importance to the link, and throw in a couple of free keywords for you.

Keep these 9 aspects in mid when designing a site, and you are sure to have a leg up on the competition. 

I was compelled to publish this article after noticing several SEO specialists writing in reference to meta tags being dead or obsolete. Meta tags are not dead. I will be the first to say, meta tags are utilized by all major search engines and are very much in use and extremely important to search engine ranking. If you need proof of how important meta tags are, try removing your meta tags and watch what happens to your search engine positioning. Your site will plummet to the depths of the unvisited web. Meta tags are frequently an overlooked factor which can improve the ranking of most any website.

This is an example of how vital meta tags are to your webpage and to your search engine ranking. Our website ranks #6 and #7 consistantly on MSN for the keyword submit site. To test the dead meta tag theory, our source code editor changed one word in the meta description tag and we dropped to #15 in the search results. Our rankings on Google and several other search engines suffered even more so. Needless to say we made changes accordingly. All major search engines definitely utilize meta tags for a description of the webpage and for indexing within the search results.

The title tag is one of the most important on page factors to consider. This is because search engine spiders read this tag first and place a high level of importance on the keywords found there. The title tag is also used for the title of your listing in the search results. The contents of your title tag will also appear in the top left corner of the browser bar. Correct title tag optimization is essiential and will result in a dramatic increase in your search engine ranking. The title tag should contain at least one or more keywords to be of any relevance to the webpage.

Search engine spiders read the description meta tag next. This tag is often used as a website description in the search results. The description tag should also contain a few keywords. The keyword meta tag is also vital to search engine ranking giving search engine spiders a sample of relevant text and content within a webpage. Other meta tags include robots, resource, author, copyright etc. These tags are not as important as the title, description and keyword tag, however they should be included if possible. To acheive high search engine ranking optimize your meta data. Proper onpage optimization will greatly improve your search engine placement.

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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Is Google’s +1

Writing by Brick For ariewayq

As you’ve probably heard, Google has officially released the +1 button for websites. It rolled out to a smaller audience in March within search results and ads and continues to be seen by a larger English-language search audience on Google.com. +1 shows up next to the title of a search result in Google and going forward this button will also be popping up on websites. Google has partnered with sites including Mashable, The Huffington Post, Nordstrom, The Washington Post, Best Buy, and TechCrunch where you’ll see +1 buttons in the near future.
According to Google, the +1 button is shorthand for “this is pretty cool” or “you should check this out”. In other words, it means that you like it, but as we know the word like is practically owned by Facebook. Google would never come out and say it, but the +1 is their attempt at competing with the Facebook “Like” button. It’s a public vote or stamp of approval of website content. The goal of the +1 button is to help friends, contacts, and others on the web find the “best stuff” when they search.
Is the +1 going to take off, or go the way of previous failed attempts at social media by Google? Here are a few things that may hamper the success of the +1 button:
Public Google account needed
In order to +1 things, you need to be signed into a public Google profile. Not everybody has a Google/Gmail/Gchat account, and they certainly won’t set one up just to +1 things. Some people rely only on their school or work provided email or kept their AOL email account from when they first got their dial up AOL service in 1997. Even those that do have Google accounts aren’t always signed in to them every time that they conduct a search.
Lack of Knowledge
Sure, those of us in the internet marketing and blogging world know what +1 is because we keep up with industry trends and Google has been telling us about it now for a few months. But has the average internet user ever heard of it? Probably not. It’s going to take some time and they are going to need to be educated. Facebook users quickly understood what it meant to “like” something because it became part of social media culture. +1’ing is less intuitive.
Slow to adopt
Again, those of us “in the know” might be quick to try any new Google feature and get it onto our website or blog as fast as we can, but what about others? How many websites will actually be featuring a +1 button in the next few weeks or months? You might see +1 next to the title of a website in a search result, but are you really going to go back to the search results page to +1 it if you think “this is pretty cool”? Probably not. In addition, it’s likely that a site that you frequent is bookmarked or known from memory and you skip the search altogether, giving you no opportunity to +1 it if the button is not installed on the site.
Google has failed at social attempts in the past, but I’d never underestimate Google. They are a smart bunch. Are you going to jump into +1 land with both feet, or see how this plays out first? What are your thoughts on +1 and what it means for search?
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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

5 Ways To Boost

Hi again Ariewayq,

This is the first part of the Revisitors "5 Ways To Boost
Your Website Sales" 1-Week Crash Course. The very first
thing to do when launching your website is to make sure to
understand and apply a few basic rules that, in my opinion,
are MUST DOs for any profitable website. Enjoy!

1: Choose the right domain name for your website. Websites
with a good domain name are easier to remember and trust.
The right domain name should have the .COM extension,
should be short (one or two keywords), English language,
and somehow related to the product you sell.

2: Focus on the content, easy navigation and logical flow
instead of making your website cute. Don't include pop-up
messages. Increasing demand for pop-up blockers suggests
that you will annoy a lot of visitors if you have this feature.

3: Design your website around a theme. Clearly state what
you are about on the top of the page. Don't confuse readers
with links all over the copy. Provide information on the
website that helps visitors solve their problems. Build a
case for your business that leads reader to conclude that
you are the only business for them; irrespective of the

4: Give visitors some reasons to come back to your website -
like free newsletters, monthly specials, etc. Keep the
content fresh and add/delete pages regularly. This will
keep your information up-to-date and help you get better
search engine ranking.

5: Identify keywords that are important for your business,
and use them in your copy. It may make sense to have one
page per keyword. Include keyword in the title tag, as well as
in the page description tag. Use them in plurals also, when
it makes sense. You can check Google, Bing or other search
engines for keyword options at no cost.

6: Search engines do not index images, thus any text
presented as image will not help you with your web

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Jumat, 22 Juli 2011


Unlimited Backlink

coba kalian mainkan dengan mouse kalian, tepatkan pada gambar ke atas-kebawah atau ke kiri dan ke kanan.
apakah kalian suka dengan gambar anjing di atas ini ?.....
jika jawabanya iya, seratus buat anda dan seribu buat buat saya, silahkan teman-teman copy dan paste code javascript di bawah ini di blog kamu edit widget javascript.

<embed src='http://www.crazyprofile.com/water_effect/water.swf' width='286' height='307' FlashVars='pic=anjing.jpg&fldr=Jul2011&ww=286&hh=307' quality='high' wmode='transparent' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'/></embed><br><div><a href='http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/2011/07/foto-anjing-bergerak.html' target='_blank'><font face='verdana' size=1>Example</font></a></div>


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="outline:none;" data="http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/102399522366632716596/dog.swf?up_boneColor=EEEEEE&up_tongueColor=FFCCCC&up_ballColor=FF0000&up_legLength=3&up_dogName=wayq&up_waterBowlColor=B4DDF0&up_bodyColor=EBD88D&up_collarColor=0000FF&up_foodColor=C48218&up_feetColor=FFFFFF&up_tailTipColor=FFFFFF&up_eyeColor=444444&up_foodBowlColor=FF0000&up_waterColor=DAF1F5&up_noseColor=333333&up_backgroundColor=FFFFFF&up_earColor=EBD88D&up_treatColor=EEEEEE&" width="250" height="225"><param name="movie" value="http://hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/102399522366632716596/dog.swf?up_boneColor=EEEEEE&amp;up_tongueColor=FFCCCC&amp;up_ballColor=FF0000&amp;up_legLength=3&amp;up_dogName=wayq&amp;up_waterBowlColor=B4DDF0&amp;up_bodyColor=EBD88D&amp;up_collarColor=0000FF&amp;up_foodColor=C48218&amp;up_feetColor=FFFFFF&amp;up_tailTipColor=FFFFFF&amp;up_eyeColor=444444&amp;up_foodBowlColor=FF0000&amp;up_waterColor=DAF1F5&amp;up_noseColor=333333&amp;up_backgroundColor=FFFFFF&amp;up_earColor=EBD88D&amp;up_treatColor=EEEEEE&amp;" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="wmode" value="opaque" /><param name="bgcolor" value="FFFFFF"/></object>

untuk gambar yang ke 2 di atas ini ukuran besar atau kecilnya dapat teman-teman rubah menurut kehendak. pada angaka yang berwarna     



<embed src="http://www.mycodesplace.com/text-pictures/show.swf?txt=welcome%20friend&card=http://www.mycodesplace.com/text-pictures/cards/year/year3.swf&clickURL=http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/2011/07/foto-anjing-bergerak.html&type=0&tc=16777215&tr=-89&ts=63&tx=-7&ty=292&glitter=0&rounded=1&bevel=0&sepia=0&shadow=1&theme=http://www.mycodesplace.com/text-pictures/themes/flower.swf&theme_al=51" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="440" height="340"wmode="transparent" name="show" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/><br><a href="http://ariewayq.blogspot.com/2011/07/foto-anjing-bergerak.html">Example</a>
selamat mencoba.
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Dampak terlalu banyaknya parpol

Terlalu banyaknya jumlah parpol sekarang hanya di manfaatkan sebagai sarana politik oleh kalangan tertentu yang saling rebutan kursi kekuasaan. Apalagi kita menggunakan pemerintahan system presidential disebut juga dengan sistem kongresional dan bukan system parlementer.
Sistem presidential adalah Presiden yang dipilih langsung oleh rakyat memimpin pemerintahan dan mengangkat pejabat-pejabat pemerintahan yang terkait.

Ciri-ciri pemerintahan presidensial yaitu :
  • Dikepalai oleh seorang presiden sebagai kepala pemerintahan sekaligus kepala negara.
  • Kekuasaan eksekutif presiden diangkat berdasarkan demokrasi rakyat dan dipilih langsung oleh mereka atau melalui badan perwakilan rakyat.
  • Presiden memiliki hak prerogratif (hak istimewa) untuk mengangkat dan memberhentikan menteri-menteri yang memimpin departemen dan non-departemen.
  • Menteri-menteri hanya bertanggung jawab kepada kekuasaan eksekutif bukan kepada kekuasaan legislatif.
  • Kekuasaan eksekutif tidak bertanggung jawab kepada kekuasaan legislatif.
  • Kekuasaan eksekutif tidak dapat dijatuhkan oleh legislatif.
Jumlah parpol yang terlalu banyak bisa menimbulkan rekayasa politic dan conflic saja yang belum tentu mendukung proses demokrasi saat ini karena parpol sekarang tidak ideologis dan tidak secara sungguh sungguh memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat tujuannya hanya untuk mencapai kekuasaan dan kepentingan groupnya dengan memanfaatkan system demokrasi (kebebasan). Seharusnya parpol dapat di kelola untuk stabilitas dan efektifitas politic serta kinerja pemerintah demi kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Sebaiknya jumlah parpol di kurangi maximum 5 parpol saja sebagai salah satu upaya revitalisasi dan penyederhanaan demokrasi di Indonesia.

Written by ariewayq

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Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Perlengkapan Blog Profesional

Untuk membuat blog tidak hanya di perlukan ke cermatan tapi juga sebuah semangat untuk mencoba agar lebih maxsimal, saya hanya ingin membagi beberapa masukan agar blog kita lebih maxsimal, ya sebenarnya link ini di khususkan untuk website berdomain tapi kita sebagai bloger jangan mau ketinggalan, ok..............
Many members ask us how they can create custom banners for their ad campaigns. We recommend these free tools:

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Senin, 18 Juli 2011

By Aaron Wall and Andy Hagans.

By Aaron Wall and Andy Hagans.
Link Building... Time-intensive. Frustrating. Sometimes confusing. Yet Unavoidable. Because ultimately, it's still the trump card for higher rankings.
Many of us have been hoping that it would go away. In Brett Tabke's 5/18 Robots.txt entry, he echoed a sentiment that many, many webmasters hold on to as a hope:

What happens to all those Wavers that think [i]Getting Links = SEO[/i] when that majority of the Google algo is devalued in various ways? Wavers built their fortunes on "links=seo". When that goes away, the Wavers have zero to hold on to.
The pertinent questions:
  1. Will link building still be very important for rankings in the medium term?
  2. When will link popularity be devalued in favor of other algo elements (that are less tedious, from a webmaster's point of view)?
The answers:
  1. Sorry, but link building is still going to be the SEO trump card for the foreseeable future.
  2. I wouldn't hold your breath for search engine algorithms to place less importance on link popularity until the Semantic Web arrives, or maybe when HTTP gets replaced by a new protocol. Because links are still the basic connector, the basic relationship, on the Web. And for the forseeable future they're going to be the easiest way for a computer program to judge the importance and trustworthiness of a Web page.
What will happen to the way search algorithms score links is already happening. The Google algo has become much more elegant and advanced, devaluing staggering amount of links that shouldn't count, and placing more emphasis on trusted links. And the trust and juice given by those links is then verified by elements like user data, domain age, and other relatively hard-to-spoof factors.
But please, don't fool yourself. Links that should count are still the key to rankings (in Google, at least — and MSN and Yahoo! are only a few short years behind). In that spirit, Aaron and I have created our 101 Ways to Build (and Not Build) Links. (Yeah, it just so happened that there were exactly 101!)
Oh, and mad props to our inspiration, 131 Legitimate Link Building Strategies, one of the original authority documents on link building. It was just getting a bit rusty, that's all ("Host your own Web Ring"?). Anyway, enjoy the update.

71 Good Ways to Build Links

Love for Lists

1. Build a "101 list". These get Dugg all the time, and often become "authority documents". People can't resist linking to these (hint, hint).
2. Create 10 easy tips to help you [insert topic here] articles. Again, these are exceptionally easy to link to.
3. Create extensive resource lists for a specific topic (see Mr Ploppy for inspiration).
4. Create a list of the top 10 myths for a specific category.
5. Create a list of gurus/experts. If you impress the people listed well enough, or find a way to make your project look somewhat official, the gurus may end up linking to your site or saying thanks. (Sometimes flattery is the easiest way to strike up a good relationship with an "authority".)

Developing Authority & Being Easy to Link At

6. Make your content easy to understand so many people can understand and spread your message. (It's an accessibility thing.)
7. Put some effort in to minimize grammatical or spelling errors, especially if you need authoritative people like librarians to link to your site.
8. Have an easily accessible privacy policy and about section so your site seems more trustworthy. Including a picture of yourself may also help build your authority.

PPC as a Link Building Tool

9. Buy relevant traffic with a pay per click campaign. Relevant traffic will get your site more visitors and brand exposure. When people come to your site, regardless of the channel in which they found it, there is a possibility that they will link to you.

News & Syndication

10. Syndicate an article at EzineArticles, GoArticles, iSnare, etc. The great thing about good article sites is that their article pages actually rank highly and send highly qualified traffic.
11. Submit an article to industry news site. Have an SEO site? Write an article and submit to WebProNews. Have a site about BLANK? Submit to BLANKinformationalsite.com.
12. Syndicate a press release. Take the time to make it GOOD (compelling, newsworthy). Email it to some handpicked journalists and bloggers. Personalize the email message. For good measure, submit it to PRWeb, PRLeap, etc.
13. Track who picks up your articles or press releases. Offer them exclusive news or content.
14. Trade articles with other webmasters.
15. Email a few friends when you have important relevant news asking them for their feedback and/or if they would mind referencing it if they find your information useful.
16. Write about, and link to, companies with "in the news" pages. They link back to stories and blog posts which cover their developments. This is obviously easiest if you have a news section or blog. Do a Google search for [your industry + "in the news"].
17. Perform surveys and studies that make people feel important. If you can make other people feel important they will help do your marketing for you for free. Salary.com did a study on how underpaid mothers were, and they got many high quality links.

Directories, Meme Trackers & Social Bookmarking

18. This tip is an oldie but goodie: submit your site to DMOZ and other directories that allow free submissions.
19. Submit your site to paid directories. Another oldie. Just remember that quality matters.
20. Create your own topical directory about your field of interest. Obviously link to your own site, deeplinking to important content where possible. Of course, if you make it into a truly useful resource, it will attract links on its own.
21. Tag related sites on sites like Del.icio.us. If people find the sites you tag to be interesting, emotionally engaging, or timely they may follow the trail back to your site.
22. If you create something that is of great quality make sure you ask a few friends to tag it for you. If your site gets on the front page of Digg or on the Del.icio.us popular list, hundreds more bloggers will see your site, and potentially link to it.
23. Look at meme trackers to see what ideas are spreading. If you write about popular spreading ideas with plenty of original content (and link to some of the original resources), your site may get listed as a source on the meme tracker site.

Local & Business Links

24. Join the Better Business Bureau.
25. Get a link from your local chamber of commerce.
26. Submit your link to relevant city and state governmental resources. (Easier in some countries than in others.)
27. List your site at the local library's Web site.
28. See if your manufacturers or retailers or other business partners might be willing to link to your site.
29. Develop business relationships with non-competing businesses in the same field. Leverage these relationships online and off, by recommending each other via links and distributing each other's business cards.
30. Launch an affiliate program. Most of the links you pick up will not have SEO value, but the added exposure will almost always lead to additional "normal" links.

Easy Free Links

31. Depending on your category and offer, you will find Craigslist to be a cheap or free classified service.
32. It is pretty easy to ask or answer questions on Yahoo! Answers and provide links to relevant resources.
33. It is pretty easy to ask or answer questions on Google Groups and provide links to relevant resources.
34. If you run a fairly reputable company, create a page about it in the Wikipedia or in topic specific wikis. If it is hard to list your site directly, try to add links to other pages that link to your site.
35. It takes about 15 minutes to set up a topical Squidoo page, which you can use to look like an industry expert. Link to expert documents and popular useful tools in your fields, and also create a link back to your site.
36. Submit a story to Digg that links to an article on your site. You can also submit other content and have some of its link authority flow back to your profile page.
37. If you publish an RSS feed and your content is useful and regularly updated, some people will syndicate your RSS content (and some of those will provide links… unfortunately, some will not).
38. Most forums allow members to leave signature links or personal profile links. If you make quality contributions some people will follow these links and potentially read your site, link at your site, and/or buy your products.

Have a Big Heart for Reviews

39. Most brands are not well established online, so if your site has much authority, your review related content often ranks well.
40. Review relevant products on Amazon.com. We have seen this draw in direct customer enquiries and secondary links.
41. Create product lists on Amazon.com that review top products and also mention your background (LINK!).
42. Review related sites on Alexa to draw in related traffic streams.
43. Review products and services on shopping search engines like ePinions to help build your authority.
44. If you buy a product or service you really like and are good at leaving testimonials, many of those turn into links. Two testimonial writing tips — make them believable, and be specific where possible.

Blogs & the Blogosphere

45. Start a blog. Not just for the sake of having one. Post regularly and post great content. Good execution is what gets the links.
46. Link to other blogs from your blog. Outbound links are one of the cheapest forms of marketing available. Many bloggers also track who is linking to them or where their traffic comes from, so linking to them is an easy way to get noticed by some of them.
47. Comment on other blogs. Most of these comments will not provide much direct search engine value, but if your comments are useful, insightful, and relevant they can drive direct traffic. They also help make the other bloggers become aware of you, and they may start reading your blog and/or linking to it.
48. Technorati tag pages rank well in Yahoo! and MSN, and to a lesser extent in Google. Even if your blog is fairly new you can have your posts featured on the Technorati tag pages by tagging your posts with relevant tags.
49. If you create a blog make sure you list it in a few of the best blog directories.

Design as a Linking Element

50. Web 2.0-ify your site. People love to link to anything with AJAX. Even in the narrowest of niches, there is some kind of useful functionality you can build with AJAX.
51. Validate and 508 your site. This (indirect) method makes your site more trustworthy and linkable, especially from governmental sites or design-oriented communities. There are even a few authoritative directories of standards-compliant sites.
52. Order a beautiful CSS redesign. A nice design can get links from sites like CSS Vault.

Hire Help

53. Hire a publicist. Good old fashioned 'PR' (not PageRank) can still work wonders. Andy Hagans now offers a link baiting publicity service.
54. Hire a consultant. Yes, you can outsource link building. Just make sure to go with someone good. We recommend WeBuildPages, Debra Mastaler and, ahem, Andy Hagans.

Link Trading

55. Swap some links. What?! Did we really just recommend reciprocal link building? Yes, on a small scale, and with relevant partners that will send you traffic. Stay away from the link trading hubs and networks.
56. In case you didn't get the memo — when swapping links, try to get links from within the content of relevant content pages. Do not try to get links from pages that list hundreds of off topic link partners. Only seek link exchanges that you would consider pursuing even if search engines did not exist. Instead of thinking just about your topic when exchanging links, think about demographic audience sets.

Buying Sites, Renting Links & Advertisements

57. Rent some high quality links from a broker. Text Link Ads is the most reputable firm in this niche.
58. Rent some high quality links directly from Web sites. Sometimes the most powerful rented links come direct from sites not actively renting links.
59. Become a sponsor. All sorts of charities, contests, and conferences link to their sponsors. This can be a great way to gain visibility, links, and a warm feeling in your heart.
60. Sell items on eBay and offer to donate the profits to a charity. Many charities will link both to the eBay auction and to your site.
61. Many search algorithms seem biased toward older established sites. It may be faster to buy an old site with a strong link profile, and link it to your own site, than to try to start building authority links from scratch.

Use the Courts (Proceed with Caution)

63. Get sued by a company people hate. When Aaron was sued by Traffic Power, he got hundreds or thousands of links, including links from sites like Wired and The Wall Street Journal.

Freebies & Giveaways

64. Hold a contest. Contests make great link bait. A few-hundred-dollar prize can result in thousands of dollars worth of editorial quality links. Enough said.
65. Build a tool collection. Original and useful tools (and collections of tools) get a lot of link love. What do you think ranking for mortgage calculator is worth?
66. Create and release open source site design templates for content management systems like Wordpress. Don't forget the "Designed by example.com" bit in the footer!
67. Offer free samples in exchange for feedback.
68. Release a Firefox extension. Make sure you have a download and/or support page on your site which people can link to.

Conferences & Social Interaction

69. It is easy to take pictures of important events and tell narratives about why they are important. Pictures of (drunk?) "celebrities" in your industry make great link bait.
70. Leverage new real world relationships into linking relationships. If you go to SEO related conferences, people like Tim Mayer, Matt Cutts, and Danny Sullivan are readily accessible. Similarly, in other industries, people who would normally seem inaccessible are exceptionally accessible at trade conferences. It is much easier to seem "real" in person. Once you create social relationships in person, it is easy to extend that onto the web.
71. Engaging, useful, and interesting interviews are an easy way to create original content. And they spread like wildfire.

30 Bad Ways to Build Links

Here are a few link buiding methods that may destroy your brand or get your site banned/penalized/filtered from major search engines, or both.


72. Submit your site to 200 cheesy paid directories (averaging $15 a pop) that send zero traffic and sell offtopic run-of-site links.

Forum Spam

73. List 100 Web sites in your signature file.
74. Exclusively post only when you can add links to your sites in the post area.
75. Post nothing but "me too" posts to build your post count. Use in combination with a link-rich signature file.
76. Ask questions about who provides the best [WIDGET], where [WIDGET] is an item that you sell. From the same IP address create another forum account and answer your own question raving about how great your own site is.
77. As a new member to various forums, ask the same question at 20 different forums on the same day.
78. Post on forum threads that are years outdated exclusively to link to your semi-related website.
79. Sign up for profiles on forums you never intend on commenting on.

Blog Spam

80. Instead of signing blog comments with your real name, sign them with spammy keywords.
81. Start marketing your own site hard on your first blog comment. Add no value to the comment section. Mention nothing other than you recently posted on the same subject at _____ and everyone should read it. Carpet bomb dozens of blogs with this message.
82. Say nothing unique or relevant to the post at hand. Make them assume an automated bot hit their comments.
83. Better yet, use automated bots to hit their comments. List at least 30 links in each post. Try to see if you can hit any servers hard enough to make them crash.
84. Send pings to everyone talking about a subject. In your aggregation post, state nothing of interest. Only state that other people are talking about the topic.
85. Don't even link to any of the sites you are pinging. Send them pings from posts that do not even reference them.

Garbage Link Exchanges

86. Send out link exchange requests mentioning PageRank.
87. Send link exchange emails which look like an automated bot sent them (little or no customization, no personal names, etc.).
88. Send link exchange requests to Matt Cutts, Tim Mayer, Tim Converse, Google, and Yahoo!.
89. Get links from nearly-hidden sections of websites listing hundreds or thousands of off topic sites.

Spam People in Person

90. Go to webmaster conferences and rave about how rich you are, and how your affiliates make millions doing nothing.
91. Instead of asking people what their name is, ask what their URL is. As soon as you get their URL ask if they have linked to your site yet and if not, why not.

Be Persistant

92. Send a webmaster an alert to every post you make on your website.
93. Send a webmaster an email every single day asking for them to link to your website.
94. Send references to your site to the same webmaster from dozens of different email accounts (you sly dog).
95. If the above do not work to get you a free link, offer them $1 for their time. Increase your offer by a dollar each day until they give in.

Getting Links by Being a Jerk

96. Emulate the RIAA. When in doubt, file a lawsuit against a 12-year-old girl. (Failing that, obtain bad press by any means necessary.)
97. Steal content published by well known names. Strip out any attribution. Aggregate many popular channels and just wait for them to start talking about you.
98. Send thousands of fake referrals at every top ranking Web site, guaranteeing larger boobs, a 14-inch penis (is that length or girth?), or millions of dollars in free, unclaimed money.
99. Wear your URL on your t-shirt. Walk or drive your car while talking on a cell phone or reading a book. When you run into other people say "excuse you, jerk".
100. Spill coffee on people or find creative ways to insult people to coax them into linking at your site.
101. Sue other webmasters for deep linking to your site. Well, this is more "hilariously dumb" than it is a "bad linking practice".

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Link Popularity

Building Link Popularity – Top Priority
Search engines look at links as the main factor on how they rank websites in their search results. Links give the search engines an idea of how important a website is. By seeing how many other websites link to yours, they can tell whether or not your site is important. Each link pointing to your site counts as a vote for your website’s importance.
Based on my experience with SEO over the last 6+ years, I can tell you with 100% confidence that link building is by far the most powerful method of getting your website to rank high in search engines. If you are going to spend money and or time on any one area of SEO, this is the area I recommend you spend it in.
The reason it is weighed so heavily by search engines is because it is the hardest thing for website owners to manipulate. Search engines look at links pointing from site A to site B as a vote from site A to site B.
Unlimited Backlink
So if your website has 50 other websites linking to it, search engines see this as 50 votes that your website is a good site and should show up in search results. The higher quality the links that you get, the more weight search engines give them and the higher your rankings will be.
Unlimited Backlink

Let me quickly explain something that often gets confused. When talking about getting links there are two things you will hear about, internal and external.
Internal links are simply links from page to page in your site. So if on your home page you have a link to your contact page, that is an internal link.
External links are links from other people’s websites that link to your website. When I talk about link building, I am only referring to external links. So as you read the rest of this link building portion please understand that external links are what I am referring to.
Anchor Text
Let’s talk about anchor text. Anchor text is the clickable part of a link. For example in this sentence the words anchor text are the actual anchor text. This is the part of link building that most people fail to take full advantage of. Anchor text is critical to SEO success.
As I stated before, a link from one site to another is a vote for that site. The search engines then look at the anchor text of the link pointing from site A to site B and then say that site A is telling them that website B is about whatever the anchor text is. So if you have 50 links pointing to your site and all of the 50 links have the same anchor text then your website very likely to rank well for whatever that anchor text is.
For example, if our dry cleaning site has 50 links from other sites pointing to it and all of these links say “dry cleaning business” as the clickable link text or anchor text then our dry cleaning site is much more likely to rank for the term “dry cleaning business”.
So here is the takeaway of this section: When you do your link building, you need the anchor text to be exactly the key phrases you want to rank for. This is very important.
Here is the second takeaway to running successful link building campaigns: The more important the key phrase is to your success, the more links you need to get that have that exact anchor text.
So using the example of the dry cleaning website, I would find my biggest term that I am targeting which in this case we said was “dry cleaning business” and get as many links as I could that have “dry cleaning business” as the anchor text. If I do that properly my website will soon start to rank high for the term dry cleaning business.
You should also get links that have different anchor texts as well so you are not only link building for one term. So I would also get links that have “starting a dry cleaning business” as the anchor text. Remember, you want to appear natural to search engines so getting links with different anchor texts is a good thing. It will also help you rank for more terms and thus get more traffic.
As you go about getting links make sure you don’t point all of your links to the home page of your site. In other words, if in our dry cleaning example we had a page about dry cleaning franchises, we should point some of the links we get to that page i.e. www.drycleaningsite.com/franchise.html. When you link to sub pages of the site make sure that the anchor text is a key phrase that you are targeting on that particular page. So in this example the anchor text I would use to point to drycleaningsite.com/franchise.html is “dry cleaning franchises”.
Natural Link Building
Before I tell you about the different types of links, you should know that search engines want to see links that appear naturally in the evolution of the internet. They don’t like to find links that are there to manipulate search engine rankings. So your job as a website owner is to make your link building efforts appear as natural as possible.
When you get links, you need to mix up the anchor texts of the links so they are not always the same. Having them be the all the same does not appear natural. You also need to get links at random intervals. In other words it does not appear natural to get 3 new links every day, or to get 50 links in a few days when you haven’t been getting that many links at that frequency. Randomness in link building is key to appearing natural.
Types Of Links
There are 4 different types of links. Each has a different value in the eyes of a search engine.
  1. Reciprocal Links
  2. Directory Links
  3. One Way Links (Paid)
  4. One Way Links (Natural)
Reciprocal Links
Reciprocal links are links where site A and site B both link to each other for mutual benefit. These types of links used to be effective in the early days of the internet but when website owners figured this out they started getting hundreds if not thousands of these types of links and search engines had to devalue them.
If you already run a web business you probably get emails everyday asking you to exchange links with another website. For the most part these are a complete waste of time. I always ignore these emails. Most of them are automatically sent out by a software program, not a real person. Having said that sometimes you will get a legitimate email from some website owner where it would make sense to exchange links.
For example, let’s say that you are a realtor in San Diego and another realtor that services Los Angeles emails you and asks to set up a relationship where you send each other clients that are looking in each others areas, and then you each put a link to the other ones website on your own site. This kind of link exchange makes sense. Unless it is someone who is in your exact industry but not a direct competitor I wouldn’t recommend bothering with reciprocal links.
Directory Links
You will find that there are thousands of both free and paid directories that you can submit your site to. Most of these directories will give you a link back to your website. If you come across any that wants a reciprocal link in return, skip it and move to the next one. You should be able to get one way links from all directory submissions that you do.
One Way Links (Paid)
One way links are where site A links to site B and site B does nothing in return. A paid one way link is where site B pays site A to link to him. After reciprocal links became highly devalued people realized that getting one way links was the best way to build link popularity. This practice of purchasing one way links became very popular, but like the reciprocal linking craze this too has been devalued because of abuse.
Many link broker websites were selling links to thousands of websites. Google finally figured out how to track these type of links purchased and 100% devalued any link that was purchased in this way. Basically if a website had a “Sponsored Links” section of their website which had a group of text links in it the search engines would not count any of those links in the link popularity equation. So people were wasting their money on links.
I don’t recommend buying links as your main link building practice. But it can be helpful in certain instances.
There are a several things to consider when purchasing links:
  1. Make sure the site you buy the link from is very relevant to your site.
  2. Make sure any link you get is a one way link. Never pay for a reciprocal link.
  3. Make sure the link does not appear in a list of sponsored links.
  4. Never pay monthly for a link. If someone wants to sell you a link on their site, tell them you are only interested in buying a permanent link, not a monthly link.
  5. Try to only buy links where the website owner will place your link naturally into the content of his website instead of on the side bar or in their footer.
One Way Links (Natural)
Natural one way links are links that happen naturally without any help from a website owner. Someone likes your site so they link to it. It’s that simple. These are the hardest links to get so naturally they are the most powerful in terms of high rankings.
The ultimate link would be a natural one way link to your site that someone embedded into the content of their home page.
The trick is to make all of the links your website gets appear natural so they have more powerful effect on your rankings.
Link Building Summary
Another important factor of improving link popularity is the knowledge that it does matter what links point to your site. In other words, not all links are created equal. When you begin the process of building link popularity, there are some important principles to remember:
  1. Avoid Link Farms and Free For All links pages at all costs – search engines will not recognize these as legitimate links
  2. Get links from websites that are relevant to your website – the closer the website is related to your site the more weight it will carry
  3. Get links from websites that have many back links – search engines look at linking many levels deep, if a site that links to you has many links pointing to it, its a better link for you
  4. Try to get non-reciprocating links to your site – when you link back to the person who is linking to you it carries less weight with the search engines, try to get one way links
  5. Submit to as many directories as possible – you never know which directories will help improve link popularity so submit to a lot of them, just make sure they offer a one way link (no reciprocation)
If you take the time to do your link building and search engine optimization the right way your rankings will continue to climb until you are at the top of Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Let me reiterate that these sound principles I have taught you have been proven on over 300 different websites. I guarantee they work.
Common Link Building Misconceptions
Here are some common questions people have for me as it regards to link building.
If a site that has been penalized in Google links to me can my site be penalized too?
The answer to this is NO. You can never be penalized for someone else linking to you. However, if you link to a site that is black-listed by Google you can be penalized for that. Just be careful who you link out to.
My site was in Google yesterday and now it is gone. Was I penalized?
This is a common occurrence with Google. They mess around with their indexing all of the time. You may be #1 for your main term and then you look again the next day and you are completely gone from Google. As long as you are adhering to the techniques I taught you above, you have nothing to worry about. Give it a week and you should be back.

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http://ariewayq.blogspot.com. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.